Is an LLC the Right Choice for your Small Business? | Management Advisory Services in MD | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Is an LLC the Right Choice for your Small Business?

Perhaps you operate your small business as a sole proprietorship and want to form a limited liability company (LLC) to protect your assets. Or maybe you are launching a new business and want to know your options for setting it up. Here are the basics of operating as an LLC and why it might be appropriate for your business.

An LLC is somewhat of a hybrid entity because it can be structured to resemble a corporation for owner liability purposes and a partnership for federal tax purposes. This duality may provide the owners with the best of both worlds.

Personal Asset Protection

Like the shareholders of a corporation, the owners of an LLC (called “members”) generally aren’t liable for the debts of the business except to the extent of their investment. Thus, the owners can operate the business with the security of knowing that their personal assets are protected from the entity’s creditors. This protection is far greater than that afforded by partnerships. In a partnership, the general partners are personally liable for the debts of the business. Even limited partners, if they actively participate in managing the business, can have personal liability.

Tax Implications of an LLC

The owners of an LLC can elect under the “check-the-box” rules to have the entity treated as a partnership for federal tax purposes. This can provide a number of important benefits to the owners. For example, partnership earnings aren’t subject to an entity-level tax. Instead, they “flow through” to the owners, in proportion to the owners’ respective interests in profits, and are reported on the owners’ individual returns and are taxed only once.

To the extent the income passed through to you is qualified business income, you’ll be eligible to take the Code Section 199A pass-through deduction, subject to various limitations. In addition, since you’re actively managing the business, you can deduct on your individual tax return your ratable shares of any losses the business generates. This, in effect, allows you to shelter other income that you and your spouse may have.

An LLC that’s taxable as a partnership can provide special allocations of tax benefits to specific partners. This can be an important reason for using an LLC over an S corporation (a form of business that provides tax treatment that’s similar to a partnership). Another reason for using an LLC over an S corporation is that LLCs aren’t subject to the restrictions the federal tax code imposes on S corporations regarding the number of owners and the types of ownership interests that may be issued.

Review your Situation

In summary, an LLC can give you corporate-like protection from creditors while providing the benefits of taxation as a partnership. For these reasons, you should consider operating your business as an LLC.

As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices for additional information and to speak to your representative to discuss in more detail how an LLC might benefit you and the other owners.


© 2021


Is your Business Underusing its Accounting Software? | CPA in Cecil County | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Is your Business Underusing its Accounting Software?

Someone might have once told you that human beings use only 10% of our brains. The implication is that we have vast, untapped stores of cerebral power waiting to be discovered. In truth, this is a myth widely debunked by neurologists.

What you may be underusing, as a business owner, is your accounting software. Much like the operating systems on our smartphones and computers, today’s accounting solutions contain a multitude of functions that are easy to overlook once someone gets used to doing things a certain way.

By taking a closer look at your accounting software, or perhaps upgrading to a new solution, you may be able to improve the efficiency of your accounting function and discover ways to better manage your company’s finances.

Revisit Software Training

The seeds of accounting software underuse are often planted during the training process, assuming there’s any training at all. Sometimes, particularly in a small business, the owner buys accounting software, hands it over to the bookkeeper or office manager, and assumes the problem will take care of itself.

Consider engaging a consultant to review your accounting software’s basic functions with staff and teach them time-saving tricks and advanced features. This is even more important to do if you’re making major upgrades or implementing a new solution.

When accounting personnel are up to speed on the software, they can more easily and readily generate useful reports and provide accurate financial information to you and your management team at any time — not just monthly or quarterly.

Commit to Continuous Improvement

Accounting solutions that aren’t monitored can gradually become vulnerable to inefficiency and even manipulation. Encourage employees to be on the lookout for labor-intensive steps that could be automated and steps that don’t add value or are redundant. Ask your users to also note any unusual transactions or procedures; you never know how or when you might uncover fraud.

At the same time, ensure managers responsible for your company’s financial oversight are reviewing critical documents for inefficiencies, anomalies and errors. These include monthly bank statements, financial statements and accounting schedules.

The ultimate goal should be continuous improvement to not only your accounting software use, but also your financial reporting.

Don’t Wait until it’s Too Late

Many business owners don’t realize they have accounting issues until they lose a big customer over errant billing or suddenly run into a cash flow crisis. Pay your software the attention it deserves, and it will likely repay you many times over in useful, actionable data. We can help you assess the efficacy of your accounting software use and suggest ideas for improvement.


As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices for additional information and to speak to your representative about how this could affect your situation.


© 2021


How Start-Up Expenses are Handled on your Tax Return | Tax Preparation in Washington DC | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

How Start-Up Expenses are Handled on your Tax Return

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, government officials are seeing a large increase in the number of new businesses being launched. From June 2020 through June 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that business applications are up 18.6%. The Bureau measures this by the number of businesses applying for an Employer Identification Number.

Entrepreneurs often don’t know that many of the expenses incurred by start-ups can’t be currently deducted. You should be aware that the way you handle some of your initial expenses can make a large difference in your federal tax bill.

How to Treat Expenses for Tax Purposes

If you’re starting or planning to launch a new business, keep these three rules in mind:

  1. Start-up costs include those incurred or paid while creating an active trade or business — or investigating the creation or acquisition of one.
  2. Under the tax code, taxpayers can elect to deduct up to $5,000 of business start-up and $5,000 of organizational costs in the year the business begins. As you know, $5,000 doesn’t go very far these days! The $5,000 deduction is reduced dollar-for-dollar by the amount by which your total start-up or organizational costs exceed $50,000. Any remaining costs must be amortized over 180 months on a straight-line basis.
  3. No deductions or amortization deductions are allowed until the year when “active conduct” of your new business begins. Generally, that means the year when the business has all the pieces in place to start earning revenue. To determine if a taxpayer meets this test, the IRS and courts generally ask questions such as: Did the taxpayer undertake the activity intending to earn a profit? Was the taxpayer regularly and actively involved? Did the activity actually begin?

Eligible Expenses

In general, start-up expenses are those you make to:

  • Investigate the creation or acquisition of a business,
  • Create a business, or
  • Engage in a for-profit activity in anticipation of that activity becoming an active business.

An expense also must be one that would be deductible if it were incurred after a business began to qualify for the election, . One example is money you spend analyzing potential markets for a new product or service.

To be eligible as an “organization expense,” an expense must be related to establishing a corporation or partnership. Some examples of organization expenses are legal and accounting fees for services related to organizing a new business and filing fees paid to the state of incorporation.

Plan Now

If you have start-up expenses that you’d like to deduct this year, you need to decide whether to take the election described above. Recordkeeping is critical.


As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices  about your start-up plans. We can help with the tax and other aspects of your new business.


© 2021


DEI Programs are Good for Business | Business Consulting Services in Alexandria | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

DEI Programs are Good for Business

Many businesses are spending more time and resources on supporting the well-being of their employees. This includes recognizing and addressing issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

A thoughtfully designed DEI program can do more than just head off potential conflicts and disruptions among coworkers. It can help you attract good job candidates, retain your best employees and create a more engaged, productive workforce.

Strategic Objectives

Essentially, DEI programs are formal efforts to help employees better understand, accept and appreciate differences among everyone on staff. Differences addressed typically include race, ethnicity, gender identification, age, religion, disabilities and sexual orientation. They may also include education, personality types, skill sets and life experiences. A program can comprise training courses, seminars, guest speakers, group discussions and social events.

Strategic objectives may vary depending on the business. Some companies wish to improve collaboration and productivity within or among teams, departments or business units. Others are looking to attract more diverse job candidates. And still others want to connect with growing multicultural markets that don’t necessarily respond to “traditional” messaging.

Think of implementing a DEI program as an investment. It should include specific goals and achievable, measurable returns.

Key Components

Many DEI programs fail because of lack of consensus regarding their value or faulty design. Begin with executive buy-in. Successful programs start with the support of ownership and senior leadership. If they’re not committed to the program, it probably won’t last long (if it gets off the ground at all). Typically, a champion will need to build the case of why a DEI program is needed and explain how it will positively impact the organization.

You’ll also need to assemble the right team. Form a DEI committee to identify objectives and give the program its initial size and shape. If you happen to employ someone who has been involved in launching a DEI program in the past, learn all you can from that employee’s experience. Otherwise, encourage your team to research successful and unsuccessful programs. You might even engage a consultant who specializes in the field.

For clarity and consistency, put your DEI program in writing. The committee needs to develop clear language spelling out each goal. The objectives can then be reviewed, discussed and revised. Ensure the objectives support your strategic plan and that you can accurately measure progress toward each. Don’t launch the program until you’re confident it will improve your organization, while not distracting it.

How Work is Done

Events of the last year or so have led most businesses to reconsider the size, composition and operational approach of their workforces. In many industries, DEI awareness and training is playing an important role in this reckoning.


As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices and we would be happy to help you assess the costs and feasibility of a program for your business.



© 2021


IRS Issues ERC Guidance as Congress Mulls Early Termination | Business Consulting Services in Harford County | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

IRS Issues ERC Guidance as Congress Mulls Early Termination

The IRS has published new guidance on the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). The credit was created in March 2020 to encourage employers to keep their workforces intact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Notice 2021-49 addresses various issues, particularly those related to the extension of the credit through 2021 by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The guidance comes as Congress weighs ending the ERC early to help offset the costs of the pending infrastructure bill. As of now, the credit is worth as much as $28,000 per employee for 2021, or $7,000 per quarter.

ERC essentials

The CARES Act generally made the ERC available to employers whose:

  • Operations were fully or partially suspended due to a COVID-19-related government shutdown order, or
  • Gross receipts dropped more than 50% compared to the same quarter in the previous year (until gross receipts exceed 80% of gross receipts in the earlier quarter).

The credit originally equaled 50% of “qualified wages” — including health care benefits — up to $10,000 per eligible employee from March 13, 2020, through December 31, 2020. As a result, the maximum benefit for 2020 was $5,000 per employee.

And initially, businesses couldn’t benefit from both the ERC and the popular Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Most opted for the PPP, which, among other advantages, put money into their pockets more quickly than the credit.

In December 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) provided that employers that receive PPP loans still qualify for the ERC for qualified wages not paid with forgiven PPP loans. It also extended the credit through June 30, 2021.

In addition, the CAA raised the amount of the credit to 70% of qualified wages, beginning January 1, 2021, and boosted the limit on per-employee qualified wages from $10,000 per year to $10,000 per quarter — so employers could obtain a credit as high as $7,000 per quarter per employee.

The CAA also expanded eligibility by reducing the requisite year-over-year gross receipt reduction from 50% to only 20%. And it increased the threshold for determining whether a business is a “large employer,” and therefore subject to a more stringent standard when computing the qualified wage base, from 100 to 500 employees.

The ARPA extended the ERC through the end of 2021. It also made some changes that apply solely to the third and fourth quarters of 2021.

Guidance on ARPA changes

The majority of the IRS guidance deals with issues raised by the ARPA’s ERC-related provisions, including:

Applicable employment taxes.

Under the CARES Act, employers could claim the ERC only against Social Security taxes. The guidance states that, for the third and fourth quarters of 2021, employers are entitled to claim the credit against their share of Medicare taxes, with the excess refundable.

Maximum amount.

The maximum credit of $7,000 per employee per quarter for the first and second quarters of 2021 continues to apply to the third and fourth quarters. A separate limit applies to so-called “recovery startup businesses,” though.

Recovery startup businesses.

The ARPA expanded the pool of ERC-eligible employers to include those that:

  • Began operating after February 15, 2020, and
  • Have average annual gross receipts for the three previous tax years of less than or equal to $1 million.

These employers can claim the credit without suspended operations or reduced receipts, up to $50,000 total per quarter for the third and fourth quarters of 2021.

The guidance clarifies that a taxpayer hasn’t begun operating until it has begun functioning as a going concern and performing those activities for which it was organized. It also provides that the determination of whether a taxpayer is a recovery startup business is made separately for each quarter.

Qualified wages.

The ARPA directs extra relief to “severely financially distressed employers” with less than 10% of gross receipts for 2021 when compared to the same calendar quarter in 2019. These businesses may count as qualified wages any wages paid to an employee during any calendar quarter — regardless of employer size.

Note that the ARPA prohibits “double dipping.” Wages taken into account for several business tax credits (for example, the research, empowerment zone and work opportunity tax credits, as well as credits for COVID-related paid sick and family leave) can’t also be taken into account for purposes of the ERC.

Interplay with shuttered venue and restaurant revitalization grants.

According to the guidance, recipients of a Shuttered Venue Operator Grant or a Restaurant Revitalization Fund grant may not treat any amounts reported or otherwise taken into account as payroll costs for those programs as qualified wages for ERC purposes. Such employers must retain documentation that supports the ERCs they claim.

Miscellaneous issues

The guidance addresses several other lingering issues related to the ERC for 2020 and 2021. For example, it clarifies the definition of a “full-time employee.”

The notice explains that employers needn’t include full-time equivalents when calculating the average number of full-time employees for purposes of determining whether an employer is a large or small eligible employer. But, for purposes of identifying qualifying wages, an employee’s status is irrelevant, so wages paid to non-full-time workers may be treated as qualified wages (assuming all other applicable requirements are met).

The guidance also sheds further light on the:

  • Treatment of tips and the Section 45B credit,
  • Timing of qualified wage deduction disallowance,
  • Alternative quarter election for 2021,
  • Gross receipts safe harbor, and
  • Exclusion of wages paid to the majority owners of corporations.

The rules regarding the last item above, which attribute ownership to owners’ family members, could significantly reduce the amount of the ERC for family-owned corporations. A footnote in the guidance indicates that even the wages paid to minority owners might end up excluded from the ERC computation.

ERC’s future is uncertain

The U.S. Senate has passed infrastructure legislation that would eliminate the ERC for the fourth quarter of 2021. However, the House of Representatives is on recess until the fall, so the fate of the credit remains uncertain.

As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices for additional information regarding the latest ERC guidance and to speak to your representative about how this could affect your situation.


© 2021


IRS Extends Administrative Relief for 401(k) Plans | Business Consulting and Accounting Services in Baltimore County | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

IRS Extends Administrative Relief for 401(k) Plans

As mitigation measures related to COVID-19 ease, it will be interesting to see which practices and regulatory changes taken in response to the pandemic remain in place long-term. One of them might be relief from a sometimes-inconvenient requirement related to the administration of 401(k) plans.

A virtual solution

In IRS Notice 2021-40, the IRS recently announced a 12-month extension of its temporary relief from the requirement that certain signatures be witnessed “in the physical presence” of a 401(k) plan representative or notary public.

The original relief, which appeared in IRS Notice 2020-42, was provided primarily to facilitate plan loans and distributions under the CARES Act. However, the relief could be used during 2020 for any signature that, under regulations, had to be witnessed in the physical presence of a plan representative or notary public. This included required spousal consents. The relief was subsequently extended through June 30, 2021, under IRS Notice 2021-03.

Under the notices, signatures witnessed remotely by a plan representative satisfy the physical presence requirement if the electronic system uses live audio-video technology and meets four requirements established under the original relief:

  1. Live presentation of a photo ID,
  2. Direct interaction,
  3. Same-day transmission, and
  4. Return with the representative’s acknowledgment.

Signatures witnessed by a notary public satisfy the physical presence requirement if the electronic system for remote notarization uses live audio-video technology and is consistent with state-law requirements for a notary public.

Comments requested

As mentioned, IRS Notice 2021-40 further extends the relief — subject to the same conditions — through June 30, 2022. The notice also requests comments regarding whether permanent modifications should be made to the physical presence requirement. Comments are specifically requested regarding:

  • The costs and other effects of the physical presence requirement and its temporary waiver,
  • Whether the relief has resulted in fraud, coercion or other abuses,
  • How the witnessing requirements are expected to be fulfilled as the pandemic abates,
  • What procedural safeguards should be instituted if the physical presence requirement is permanently modified, and
  • Whether permanent relief should use different procedures for witnessing by plan representatives or notary publics.

Comments should be submitted by September 30, 2021.

More information

Going forward, the need for a signature may often relate to spousal consents. If your business recently established a 401(k), the plan may be designed to limit or even eliminate the need for spousal consents.

However, plans that offer annuity forms of distribution are still subject to the spousal consent rules. And other 401(k) plans must require spousal consent if a married participant wants to name a nonspouse as primary beneficiary.


As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices for additional information and to speak to your representative about how this could affect your situation.

© 2021


10 Fact: Pass-Through Deduction for Qualified Business Income | Tax Preparation in Alexandria | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

10 Fact: Pass-Through Deduction for Qualified Business Income

Are you eligible to take the deduction for qualified business income (QBI)? Here are 10 facts about this valuable tax break, referred to as the pass-through deduction, QBI deduction or Section 199A deduction.

  1. It’s available to owners of sole proprietorships, single member limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships and S corporations. It may also be claimed by trusts and estates.
  2. The deduction is intended to reduce the tax rate on QBI to a rate that’s closer to the corporate tax rate.
  3. It’s taken “below the line.” That means it reduces your taxable income but not your adjusted gross income. But it’s available regardless of whether you itemize deductions or take the standard deduction.
  4. The deduction has two components: 20% of QBI from a domestic business operated as a sole proprietorship or through a partnership, S corporation, trust or estate; and 20% of the taxpayer’s combined qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) dividends and qualified publicly traded partnership income.
  5. QBI is the net amount of a taxpayer’s qualified items of income, gain, deduction and loss relating to any qualified trade or business. Items of income, gain, deduction and loss are qualified to the extent they’re effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the U.S. and included in computing taxable income.
  6. QBI doesn’t necessarily equal the net profit or loss from a business, even if it’s a qualified trade or business. In addition to the profit or loss from Schedule C, QBI must be adjusted by certain other gain or deduction items related to the business.
  7. A qualified trade or business is any trade or business other than a specified service trade or business (SSTB). But an SSTB is treated as a qualified trade or business for taxpayers whose taxable income is under a threshold amount.
  8. SSTBs include health, law, accounting, actuarial science, certain performing arts, consulting, athletics, financial services, brokerage services, investment, trading, dealing securities and any trade or business where the principal asset is the reputation or skill of its employees or owners.
  9. There are limits based on W-2 wages. Inflation-adjusted threshold amounts also apply for purposes of applying the SSTB rules. For tax years beginning in 2021, the threshold amounts are $164,900 for singles and heads of household; $164,925 for married filing separately; and $329,800 for married filing jointly. The limits phase in over a $50,000 range ($100,000 for a joint return). This means that the deduction reduces ratably, so that by the time you reach the top of the range ($214,900 for singles and heads of household; $214,925 for married filing separately; and $429,800 for married filing jointly) the deduction is zero for income from an SSTB.
  10. For businesses conducted as a partnership or S corporation, the pass-through deduction is calculated at the partner or shareholder level.

As always, please do not hesitate to call our offices for additional information and to speak to your representative about how this could affect your situation.


© 2021


Pondering the Possibility of a Company Retreat | CPA in Alexandria | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Pondering the Possibility of a Company Retreat

As vaccination levels rise and major U.S. population centers fully reopen, business owners may find themselves pondering an intriguing thought: Should we have a company retreat this year?

Although there are still health risks to consider, your employees may love the idea of attending an in-person event after so many months of video calls, emails and instant messages. The challenge to you is to plan a retreat that’s safe, productive and enjoyable — and that doesn’t unreasonably disrupt company operations.

Mixing Business with Fun

First, nail down your primary objectives well in advance. Determine and prioritize a list of the important issues you want to address but include only the top two or three on the final agenda. Otherwise, you risk rushing through some items without adequate time for discussion and formalized action plans.

If one of the objectives is to include time for socializing or recreational activities, great. Mixing business with fun keeps people energized. However, if staff see the retreat as merely time away from the office to party and golf, don’t expect to complete many work-related agenda items. One way to find the right mix is to consider scheduling work sessions for the morning and more fun, team-building exercises later in the day.

Craft a Flexible Budget

Next, work on the budget. Determining available resources early in the planning process will help you set limits for variable costs such as location, accommodations, food, transportation, speakers and entertainment.

Instead of insisting on certain days for the retreat, select a range of possible dates. Doing so widens site selection and makes it easier to negotiate favorable hotel and travel rates. Keep your budget as flexible as possible, building in a 5% to 10% safety cushion. Always expect unforeseen, last-minute expenses.

The good news is that the hospitality industry is generally trying to rebound from the very difficult downturn it suffered because of the pandemic. So, you may be able to find some special deals offered to “draw out” companies that haven’t held a retreat in a while.

Also, if you wish to truly minimize the health risks, you might want to focus on venues with outdoor facilities, such as farms or golf resorts. You could hold sessions mostly outdoors (weather permitting, of course) where it’s very safe.

Reunite and Reenergize

Holding a company retreat this year may be a great way to reunite and reenergize your workforce. As convenient and practical as video meeting technology may be, there’s nothing quite like seeing each other in person. We can help you assess the costs and establish a reasonable budget that supports an enjoyable, productive and cost-effective retreat. Contact us today!




© 2021


Tax Advantages of Hiring your Child at your Small Business | Accounting Firm in Maryland | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Tax Advantages of Hiring your Child at your Small Business

As a business owner, you should be aware that you can save family income and payroll taxes by putting your child on the payroll.

Here are some considerations.

Shifting business earnings

You can turn some of your high-taxed income into tax-free or low-taxed income by shifting some business earnings to a child as wages for services performed. In order for your business to deduct the wages as a business expense, the work done by the child must be legitimate and the child’s salary must be reasonable.

For example, suppose you’re a sole proprietor in the 37% tax bracket. You hire your 16-year-old son to help with office work full-time in the summer and part-time in the fall. He earns $10,000 during the year (and doesn’t have other earnings). You can save $3,700 (37% of $10,000) in income taxes at no tax cost to your son, who can use his $12,550 standard deduction for 2021 to shelter his earnings.

Family taxes are cut even if your son’s earnings exceed his standard deduction. That’s because the unsheltered earnings will be taxed to him beginning at a 10% rate, instead of being taxed at your higher rate.

Income tax withholding

Your business likely will have to withhold federal income taxes on your child’s wages. Usually, an employee can claim exempt status if he or she had no federal income tax liability for last year and expects to have none this year.

However, exemption from withholding can’t be claimed if: 1) the employee’s income exceeds $1,100 for 2021 (and includes more than $350 of unearned income), and 2) the employee can be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return.

Keep in mind that your child probably will get a refund for part or all of the withheld tax when filing a return for the year.

Social Security tax savings

If your business isn’t incorporated, you can also save some Social Security tax by shifting some of your earnings to your child. That’s because services performed by a child under age 18 while employed by a parent isn’t considered employment for FICA tax purposes.

A similar but more liberal exemption applies for FUTA (unemployment) tax, which exempts earnings paid to a child under age 21 employed by a parent. The FICA and FUTA exemptions also apply if a child is employed by a partnership consisting only of his or her parents.

Note: There’s no FICA or FUTA exemption for employing a child if your business is incorporated or is a partnership that includes non-parent partners. However, there’s no extra cost to your business if you’re paying a child for work you’d pay someone else to do.

Retirement benefits

Your business also may be able to provide your child with retirement savings, depending on your plan and how it defines qualifying employees. For example, if you have a SEP plan, a contribution can be made for the child up to 25% of his or her earnings (not to exceed $58,000 for 2021).

Contact us if you have any questions about these rules in your situation. Keep in mind that some of the rules about employing children may change from year to year and may require your income-shifting strategies to change too.

© 2021


Ensure Competitive Intelligence Efforts are Helpful, not Harmful | Accountant in Baltimore County | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Ensure Competitive Intelligence Efforts are Helpful, not Harmful

With so many employees working remotely these days, engaging in competitive intelligence has never been easier. The Internet as a whole, and social media specifically, create a data-rich environment in which you can uncover a wide variety of information on what your competitors are up to. All you or an employee need do is open a browser tab and start looking.

But should you? Well, competitive intelligence — formally defined as the gathering and analysis of publicly available information about one or more competitors for strategic planning purposes — has been around for decades. One could say that a business owner would be imprudent not to keep tabs on his or her fiercest competition.

The key is to engage in competitive intelligence legally and ethically. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Know the rules and legal risks.

Naturally, the very first rule of competitive intelligence is to avoid inadvertently breaking the law or otherwise exposing yourself or your company to a legal challenge. The technicalities of intellectual property law are complex; it can be easy to run afoul of the rules unintentionally.

When accessing or studying another company’s products or services, proceed carefully and consult your attorney if you fear you’re on unsteady ground and particularly before putting any lessons learned into practice.

Vet your sources carefully.

While gathering information, you or your employees may establish sources within the industry or even with a specific competitor. Be sure you don’t encourage these sources, even accidentally, to violate any standing confidentiality or noncompete agreements.

Don’t hide behind secret identities.

As easy as it might be to create a “puppet account” on social media to follow and even comment on a competitor’s posts, the negative fallout of such an account being exposed can be devastating. Also, if you sign up to receive marketing e-mails from a competitor, use an official company address and, if asked, state “product or service evaluation” as the reason you’re subscribing.

Train employees and keep an eye on consultants.

Some business owners might assume their employees would never engage in unethical or even illegal activities when gathering information about a competitor. Yet it happens. One glaring example occurred in 2015, when the Federal Bureau of Investigations and U.S. Department of Justice investigated a Major League Baseball team because one of its employees allegedly hacked into a competing team’s computer systems. The investigation concluded in 2017 with a lengthy prison term for the perpetrator and industry fines and other penalties for his employer.

Discourage employees from doing competitive intelligence on their own. Establish a formal policy, reviewed by an attorney, that includes ethics training and strict management oversight. If you engage consultants or independent contractors, be sure they know and abide by the policy as well.


Our firm can help you identify the costs and measure the financial benefits of competitive intelligence. Contact us today!


© 2021