Business Valuation Insights

Accounting & Assurance

Make telecommuting work for your nonprofit

Like their for-profit counterparts, not-for-profits are increasingly allowing employees to telecommute. Done right, work-at-home arrangements,…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Defer tax with a Section 1031 exchange, but new limits apply this year

Normally when appreciated business assets such as real estate are sold, tax is owed on the appreciation. But there’s a way to defer this tax:…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Building a sales prospect pipeline for your business

An old business adage says, “Sales is a numbers game.” In other words, the more potential buyers you face, the better your chances of making…

Accounting & Assurance

Is your nonprofit’s board providing adequate fiscal oversight?

Nonprofits don’t face the same government regulations or public scrutiny as for-profit public companies do. But that doesn’t mean your board…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Make sure repairs to tangible property were actually repairs before you deduct the cost

Repairs to tangible property, such as buildings, machinery, equipment or vehicles, can provide businesses a valuable current tax deduction —…

Accounting & Assurance

Spring cleaning: Review your nonprofit’s programs — and possibly replace some

Has your not-for-profit’s program lineup remained unchanged for at least a couple of years? If so, consider using the tradition of spring cleaning…

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