Industries Insights

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Fortify your estate plan against undue influence claims

Of course, you expect the declarations in your will to be carried out, as required by law. Usually, that’s exactly what happens with wills.…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Make the most of your fundraising with simple metrics

The amount of money your not-for-profit raises in fundraising campaigns is meaningful, but so is how efficiently you’re able to raise it. Such…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

A midyear review should go beyond financials

Every year is a journey for a business. You begin with a set of objectives for the months ahead, probably encounter a few bumps along the way…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

3 steps to a more ethical organization

Whether it’s in the business, government or not-for-profit sector, ethics seem to be on everyone’s minds these days. To ensure your supporters…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Use the proper tools to fix a broken trust

An irrevocable trust has long been a key component of many estate plans. But what if it no longer serves your purposes? Is it too late to change…

Accounting & Assurance

Financial sustainability and your nonprofit

If your not-for-profit relies heavily on a few funding sources — for example, an annual government or foundation grant — what happens if…

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