Industries Insights

Business Valuation

How to make the most of your multigenerational workforce

Many of today’s businesses employ workers from across the generational spectrum. Employees may range from Baby Boomers to members of Generation…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Take steps to curb power of attorney abuse

A financial power of attorney can be a valuable planning tool. The most common type is the durable power of attorney, which allows someone (the…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

How’s your buy-sell agreement doing these days?

Most companies wouldn’t go into business without some basic types of insurance in place, such as property coverage and a liability policy.…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Can you deduct charitable gifts on your tax return?

Many taxpayers make charitable gifts — because they’re generous and they want to save money on their federal tax bills. But with the tax…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Digital documents with e-signatures aren’t going away

Have you applied for a business loan lately? Or had some repairs done on your facilities? Maybe you’ve signed a contract with a certain technologically…

Accounting & Assurance

How taxes affect your nonprofit’s donors

The deductibility of most charitable gifts hasn’t changed since passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, but some recordkeeping requirements have.…

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