Industries Insights

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

If you’re planning to move overseas, it’s time for an estate plan review

Whether you’re moving to another country for work-related reasons, retirement or simply want an opportunity to experience a new culture, it’s…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

There still might be time to cut your tax bill with IRAs

If you’re getting ready to file your 2019 tax return, and your tax bill is higher than you’d like, there may still be an opportunity to lower…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Do you have a side gig? Make sure you understand your tax obligations

The number of people engaged in the “gig” or sharing economy has grown in recent years, according to a 2019 IRS report. And there are tax…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

The SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program

To stem the tide of joblessness caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has officially launched…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Answers to questions about the CARES Act employee retention tax credit

The recently enacted Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides a refundable payroll tax credit for 50% of wages paid…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Hiring independent contractors? Make sure they’re properly classified

As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, your business may be using independent contractors to keep costs low. But you should be careful…

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