Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting Insights

How do taxes factor into an M&A transaction? | business consulting firms in dc | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

How do taxes factor into an M&A transaction?

Although merger and acquisition activity has been down in 2022, according to various reports, there are still companies being bought and sold.…
Help when needed: Apply the research credit against payroll taxes | business consulting services in elkton md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

Help when needed: Apply the research credit against payroll taxes

Here’s an interesting option if your small company or start-up business is planning to claim the research tax credit. Subject to limits, you…
Checking in on your accounts payable processes | quickbooks consulting in bel air md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

Checking in on your accounts payable processes

Accounts payable is a critical area of concern for every business. However, as a back-office function, it doesn’t always get the attention…
Dodge the tumult with a buy-sell agreement | cpa in washington dc | Weyrich Cronin & Sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

Dodge the tumult with a buy-sell agreement

Businesses with multiple owners generally benefit from a variety of viewpoints, diverse experience and strategic areas of specialization. However,…
Tighten up billing and collections to mitigate economic uncertainties | business consulting services in bel air md | Weyrich Cronin & Sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

Tighten up billing and collections to mitigate economic uncertainties

While many economic indicators remain strong, the U.S. economy is still giving business owners plenty to think about. The nation’s gross domestic…
The tax mechanics involved in the sale of trade or business property | accountant in baltimore md | Weyrich Cronin & Sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

The tax mechanics involved in the sale or trade of business property

There are many rules that can potentially apply to the sale of business property. Thus, to simplify discussion, let’s assume that the property…

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