Quickbooks Consulting, Training & Configuration Insights

Accounting & Assurance

Protect your nonprofit from occupational fraud threats

Not-for-profit organizations don’t lose as much to occupational fraud as for-profit businesses do. According to the Association of Certified…

Accounting & Assurance

What to do if your nonprofit receives an IRS audit letter

The IRS’s staffing shortages have been well publicized and audits of individuals have decreased in the past several years. But it’s a mistake…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Run your strategic-planning meetings like they really matter

Many businesses struggle to turn abstract strategic-planning ideas into concrete, actionable plans. One reason why is simple: ineffective meetings.…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Did you Repair your Business Property or Improve It?

Repairs to tangible property, such as buildings, machinery, equipment or vehicles, can provide businesses a valuable current tax deduction —…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

It’s not too late to trim your 2019 tax bill

Fall is in the air and that means it’s time to turn your attention to year-end tax planning. While several clear strategies and tactics emerged…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

It’s a good time to buy business equipment and other depreciable property

There’s good news about the Section 179 depreciation deduction for business property. The election has long provided a tax windfall to businesses,…

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