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Small business owners still have time to set up a SEP plan for last year | small business accounting | WCS | Baltimore, MD

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Small business owners still have time to set up a SEP plan for last year

Do you own a business but haven’t gotten around to setting up a tax-advantaged retirement plan? Fortunately, it’s not too late to establish…
Clearing the cobwebs from your nonprofit’s program offerings | tax consultant | WCS | Baltimore, MD

Accounting & Assurance

Clearing the cobwebs from your nonprofit’s program offerings

It’s all too easy to let not-for-profit programs that have outlived their effectiveness to continue, even as they consume budget resources.…
Your home office expenses may be tax deductible | Tax Planning | WCS | Baltimore, MD

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Your home office expenses may be tax deductible

Technology has made it easier to work from home so lots of people now commute each morning to an office down the hall. However, just because…
Executing your nonprofit’s capital campaign | consulting firms | WCS | Baltimore, MD

Accounting & Assurance

Executing your nonprofit’s capital campaign

Nonprofit capital campaigns aim to raise a specific — usually, a significant — amount of money over a limited time period. Your not-for-profit…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Tax credits may help with the high cost of raising children

If you’re a parent, or if you’re planning on having children, you know that it’s expensive to pay for their food, clothes, activities and…

Quickbooks Consulting, Training & Configuration

The difference between a mission statement and a vision statement

Many business owners put off writing a mission statement. Who has time to write down why you’re in business when you’re busy trying to run…

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