Services Insights

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Tenancy-in-common: A versatile estate planning tool

If you hold significant real estate investments, tenancy-in-common (TIC) ownership can be a powerful, versatile estate planning tool. A TIC interest…

Accounting & Assurance

Why your nonprofit’s internal and year end financial statements may differ

Do you prepare internal financial statements for your board of directors on a monthly, quarterly or other periodic basis? Later, at year end,…

Accounting & Assurance

The fine art of valuing donated property

Not-for-profits often struggle with valuing noncash and in-kind donations. Whether for record-keeping purposes or when helping donors understand…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Tax-free fringe benefits help small businesses and their employees

In today’s tightening job market, to attract and retain the best employees, small businesses need to offer not only competitive pay, but also…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Educate your children on wealth management

If you’ve worked a lifetime to build a large estate, you undoubtedly would like to leave a lasting legacy to your children and future generations.…

Accounting & Assurance

Nonprofits: Here’s how to embrace accountability

To protect the organization, demonstrate openness and support the greater good, your not-for-profit needs to embrace accountability. Doing so…

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