Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy Insights

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Should you elect S corporation status?

Operating a business as an S corporation may provide many advantages, including limited liability for owners and no double taxation (at least…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

What to do if your business receives a “no-match” letter

In the past few months, many businesses and employers nationwide have received “no-match” letters from the Social Security Administration…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

The IRS is targeting business transactions in bitcoin and other virtual currencies

Bitcoin and other forms of virtual currency are gaining popularity. But many businesses, consumers, employees and investors are still confused…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

To make the most of social media, just “listen”

How well do you listen to your not-for-profit’s supporters? If you don’t engage in “social listening,” your efforts may not be good enough.…

Accounting & Assurance

Nonprofits: How to invest in an investment advisor

You may think that only large, well-endowed not-for-profits require the advice of an investment manager. But even smaller nonprofits with modest…

Accounting & Assurance

Accountable plans save taxes for staffers and their nonprofit employers

Have staffers complained because their expense reimbursements are taxed? An accountable plan can address the issue. Here’s how accountable…

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