
Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional – CNAP

What is CNAP?

Do you want to move up the ladder by building your financial skill set, are you new to your nonprofit financial position, or are you an experienced professional looking for a way to build your staff’s skills? If so, then the Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra CNAP training series is for you!  

CNAP is a national program that offers professional certification to nonprofit finance office staff. Initiated and developed through The Nonprofit CPAs Alliance, CNAP is the gold standard training for nonprofit financial professionals. 

The course, offered in person, covers practical skills that can be immediately applied to your day-to-day operations, including:   

Financial Reporting
Internal Controls
Budget Development

As the only licensed provider of CNAP in Baltimore Metro area, Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra will be presenting this course taught by instructors with extensive nonprofit financial backgrounds! CNAP program fees include 2 days of in person training, all course materials, certification exam and certification fee. The CNAP course in-person fee is $595 by invitation only. Seating is limited to 14 and is on a first come, first served basis.

Visit our website to download the registration forms for CNAP training.

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