Nonprofits: Act thoroughly on audit findings - cpa in washington dc - weyrich, cronin and sorra

Nonprofits: Act thoroughly on audit findings

External audits can help assure your not-for-profit’s stakeholders that your financial statements are fairly presented according to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. They can also help prevent occupational fraud. Often, audit reports contain recommendations for organizations to act on. And if you fail to make changes that respond to risks or concerns discovered in an audit, it could threaten your nonprofit’s future.

Discuss the report

When auditors complete an engagement, they typically present a draft report to their subject’s audit committee, executive director and senior financial staff. Those individuals need to review the draft before it’s presented to their full board of directors.

Your audit committee and management should meet with auditors before their board presentation. Often auditors provide a management letter highlighting operational areas and controls that need improvement. Your team should explain how your organization plans to improve operations and controls, and this explanation can be included in the report’s final management letter.

Your audit committee also can use the meeting to ensure the audit is properly comprehensive. Auditors will provide a governance letter, which should confirm cooperation from your nonprofit’s staff and whether the auditors received all requested documentation. The letter also will disclose any difficulties or limitations encountered during the process, accounting adjustments required, and significant audit plan changes (and the reasons for such changes).

Finally, the auditors will list any unresolved matters. Your audit committee should determine whether there were any conflicts of interest between the auditors and your team and how they might have affected the audit’s scope.

Taking next steps

The final audit report will state whether your organization’s financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The statements must be presented without any material — meaning significant — inaccuracies or misrepresentation.

As noted above, the auditors also may identify, in a separate management letter, specific concerns about material internal control issues. Adequate internal controls are critical for preventing, catching and remedying misstatements that could compromise the integrity of financial statements, whether due to error or fraud.

If the auditors find your internal controls weak, your organization must promptly shore them up. You could, for instance, set up new controls, such as segregating financial duties or implementing new accounting practices or software. These measures can reduce the odds of fraud, improve the accuracy of your financial statements and help reduce future audit costs.

Make your audit effective

Audit reports are only as effective as their reception — and the action subject organizations take in response to their findings. Contact us for help implementing new internal controls and addressing other issues.

© 2024


Disaster relief charities: Know the rules before providing aid - tax accountants in Washington DC - weyrich, cronin and sorra

Disaster relief charities: Know the rules before providing aid

The United States is entering the most natural-disaster-prone time of the year. Tornadoes are most likely to occur in May, and the Atlantic hurricane season starts on June 1. Not-for-profits that provide aid to disaster victims — whether it’s medical care, food, clothing, shelter, cash or rebuilding assistance — are gearing up for potential emergencies. But if your organization operates in this space, know that when dispensing aid you must observe certain IRS rules.

Defining charitable activities

Disaster relief organizations are allowed to provide short-term emergency assistance and long-term aid to help ensure victims have necessities. Relief may also come in the form of cash grants or vouchers. Providing such relief to individuals qualifies as a charitable activity because it aims to relieve human suffering.

However, your nonprofit must assist a “charitable class.” A charitable class should be either large enough that the potential beneficiaries can’t be individually identified or sufficiently indefinite that the community as a whole, rather than a pre-selected group of people, benefits. In addition, you must apply needs-based tests, meaning you can’t distribute aid to individuals just because they’re disaster victims. Decisions about how funds will be distributed must be based on an objective evaluation of needs at the time grants are made.

But practicality and sympathy for victims’ immediate plight can be considered. For example, take a charity that distributes blankets and hot meals to natural disaster victims. In the immediate aftermath of a storm, the charity doesn’t ask victims for proof of financial need. However, as time goes on and victims and their community begin to recover, it may be appropriate to conduct individual financial needs assessments.

Aiding businesses

In addition to helping individuals, your charity generally can provide disaster aid to businesses, so long as two conditions are met:

1. Assistance must be reasonably related to the accomplishment of a tax-exempt purpose. Businesses aren’t members of a charitable class and can’t, therefore, be appropriate charitable objects. However, distributing aid to them can achieve charitable purposes, such as preventing community deterioration or reducing the burden on local government.

2. Any private benefit to businesses must be incidental. An eligible business might not have adequate resources, conventional financing or insurance coverage that would enable it to recover from a disaster. Disaster aid organizations also need to determine that businesses they assist wouldn’t be able to remain in the community without their intervention.

Maintaining records

To prove your organization’s compliance with IRS rules, maintain good records. Document amounts paid, the purpose of payments and evidence that payments were made to meet charitable purposes and victims’ needs. In addition, document:

  • Your organization’s objective criteria for disbursing assistance,
  • How specific recipients were selected,
  • Names and addresses of recipients and the amounts supplied to them,
  • Any relationship between recipients and your charity’s officers, directors, key employees or substantial donors, and
  • The composition of the selection committee approving assistance.

Note an exception: Organizations distributing short-term emergency assistance aren’t expected to record the names, addresses and amounts provided. Instead, document the date, place and estimated number of victims assisted.

Other rules may apply

There are other IRS rules that might apply to your nonprofit’s situation. Contact us if you have questions about complying with rules for tax-exempt organizations.

© 2024


Nonprofits don’t lose as much to fraud, but risk requires action - accounting firm in bel air md - weyrich, cronin, and sorra

Nonprofits don’t lose as much to fraud, but risk requires action

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ (ACFE’s) Occupational Fraud 2024: A Report to the Nations, not-for-profits suffer roughly half the median loss per fraud scheme of for-profit businesses and government entities — $76,000 vs. $150,000. That may sound like good news, except for the fact that most nonprofits are on tight budgets and can’t afford to lose anything. To help keep your nonprofit’s losses at $0, you need to establish and enforce compliance with internal controls that directly address your organization’s risks.

Stakeholder training

The 2024 ACFE report contains what should be an alarming stat for nonprofits: Nonprofits have the lowest implementation rate of fraud awareness training — 52% for staffers and 49% for management (vs. 82% and 81%, respectively, for public companies). According to the ACFE, organizations without fraud awareness training suffer two times the financial losses of organizations with it.

So make sure you include fraud prevention and reporting instruction in your orientation of new staffers and executives, as well as volunteers with financial responsibilities. Also provide periodic refreshers for existing employees. Tips that fraud may be occurring are twice as likely to come from trained staffers than untrained staffers.

To boost potential reporting, ensure that all stakeholders — including clients and vendors — know how to report fraud suspicions. The existence of an anonymous tipline or web portal is associated with a 50% reduction in the cost and duration of fraud schemes.

Financial statement reviews

Nonprofit boards or audit committees typically review financial statements annually or semi-annually. However, the longer fraud goes undetected, the greater the financial loss for the victim organization. Therefore, your organization’s leaders should review financial statements at least quarterly, if not monthly.

Board members should also receive regular budget reports that show variances between budget and actual figures, because significant variations can indicate potential fraud. Indeed, with strong management reviews in place, organizations reduce financial losses from fraud by a median 60%, says the ACFE.

Segregation of duties

Almost all types of organizations benefit from a segregation of duties. This means that no individual should have control over more than one phase of a financial transaction or function. Staffers or board members with access to assets shouldn’t be responsible for accounting for those assets. Nor should an individual have the ability to both initiate and approve a transaction, such as paying a vendor invoice. Don’t let individuals who receive checks also deposit them. Finally, don’t allow anyone who writes checks to also reconcile monthly bank statements.

Segregation of duties can be challenging for nonprofits with few staff or those that have shifted to remote work arrangements. If accounting staffers primarily fulfill these roles, try assigning some duties to board members or consider outsourcing functions such as payroll and accounts payable. Also consider using cloud solutions to overcome hurdles related to employees working remotely.

Other controls

Credit cards have become increasingly common in nonprofits — but they come with the risk of unauthorized usage. If you give credit cards to staffers, board members or volunteers, limit the number of cards in use. Also require a receipt for each purchase (along with documentation of the business purpose). Someone who isn’t an authorized card user should scrutinize card statements and supporting documentation every month for unusual or questionable activity.

Another internal control that can reap real benefits is a mandatory vacation policy (generally associated with a 23% reduction in losses). Required time off helps prevent would-be fraudsters from hiding their schemes from colleagues. Not surprisingly, an unwillingness to share duties or take vacation are some of the most common red flags for fraud.

Evolving threats

Depending on your organization’s size, mission and other factors, you may have other or new threats that should be addressed by internal controls. For example, have you recently reduced your workforce and turned more tasks over to volunteers? Do you have a big fundraising event coming up? These can increase fraud risk. Contact us to discuss your needs.

© 2024


Building a better nonprofit: Rules for restructuring | accounting firms in baltimore | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Building a better nonprofit: Rules for restructuring

There are many reasons why a 501(c) tax-exempt organization might consider restructuring. For example, a financially struggling nonprofit might decide to join forces with another organization to cut costs and share resources. Or a nonprofit might decide to change its state of organization. Such changes generally qualify for a simplified restructuring process. However, it’s important to follow certain steps.

An easier process

Tax-exempt organizations making certain changes to their structure used to be required to file a new exemption application — and create a new legal entity. But IRS Revenue Procedure 2018-15 changed the rules regarding nonprofit restructuring. Now, in many cases, nonprofits can simply report a restructuring on their Form 990. To be eligible for this simpler process, your restructuring must satisfy certain conditions:

First, your organization must be a U.S. corporation or an unincorporated association; be tax exempt as a 501(c) organization; and be in good standing in the jurisdiction where it was incorporated (or, in the case of an unincorporated association, where it was formed).

Second, your restructuring must involve one of the following:

  1. Changing from an unincorporated association to a corporation,
  2. Reincorporating a corporation under the laws of another state after dissolving in the original state,
  3. Filing articles of domestication to transfer a corporation to a new state without dissolving in the original state, or
  4. Merging a corporation with or into another corporation.

Your “surviving” organization is required to carry out the same exempt purpose that the original did. Its new articles of incorporation must continue to satisfy the IRS’s organizational test.

When the rules don’t apply

There are some additional limitations to using Form 990 to report a restructuring. For example, the new rules don’t apply if your surviving organization is a “disregarded entity,” limited liability company (LLC), partnership or foreign business entity.

Also, surviving organizations still have reporting obligations — for instance, to report the restructuring on any required Form 990 for the applicable tax year. And these rules apply only to federal income tax exemptions. Your state’s laws could require you to file a new exemption application.

Will you qualify?

Even though nonprofit restructuring can be straightforward, you should talk to your tax advisors before making a move. It’s possible your plans won’t qualify under Rev. Proc. 2018-15 and that you’ll need to apply for a new exemption and clear other hurdles. Contact us for guidance.

© 2024


Board committees can help members make time for critical work | business consulting and accounting services in harford county | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Board committees can help members make time for critical work

For many not-for-profit organizations, maintaining a full and active board of directors is challenging. If your board holds frequent meetings, has high attendance expectations and requires members to do considerable “homework,” you may have trouble recruiting and retaining people. Qualified individuals generally are busy with work, family and other activities and may not have spare time to dedicate to all the duties expected of board members. But if you segment responsibilities into committees, you can help ease the burden on board members — and retain them longer. Committee work has other benefits as well.

Reduced workload and increased investment

A common and effective way to segregate board responsibilities is by function, such as finance, fundraising and governance. In addition to potentially reducing board member workload, committee work enables members with specific talents or expertise (for example, financial, legal, marketing and IT) to dig in and directly apply those skills. If you want to upgrade your nonprofit’s IT network, why not turn the task over to a technology committee of members who can use their experience and knowledge to research and select new hardware and software?

Dividing board work into committees can help you recruit new members as well. For example, an otherwise reluctant physician may be encouraged to join a nonprofit hospital board if one of the committees is working to introduce protocols the doctor advocates. Committees can also help orient new members — allowing them to work closely with committee mentors and become invested in your organization’s activities.

Work of a dedicated group

For an example of how you can make the most of committee work, let’s look at a board member nominating committee. Nominating committees usually assess board membership needs, collect candidate names, interview prospective members and make recommendations.

To help in recruiting, the committee might prepare a summary for prospective candidates that briefs them on such topics as your organization’s mission and key programs, its history and evolution, and board member duties and possible committee assignments. After interested candidates have had the opportunity to review the summary, committee members can offer to answer questions or clarify points. If candidates wish to proceed, the members can arrange interviews with the full committee or with individual committee members. The committee then can recommend the best candidates to the full board for a vote.

This process enables board members who are particularly interested in recruiting to fully immerse themselves. At the same time, those board members whose interests lie elsewhere can avoid the long hours involved in searching for new members.

Permanent and ad-hoc

Although some committees may become permanent fixtures to your board (such as executive, finance and nominating), you can also set up temporary, ad-hoc committees. For instance, if you’re planning to build a new facility, you might establish a committee to oversee the project from site selection to opening day. Contact us for more information — or, possibly, if you’re looking for a board member with accounting expertise.

© 2024


Making the most of your nonprofit’s social media accounts | business consulting services in baltimore md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Making the most of your nonprofit’s social media accounts

When’s the last time you evaluated your not-for-profit’s social media strategy? Are you using the right platforms in the most effective way, given your mission, audience and staffing resources? Do you have controls to protect your nonprofit from reputation-damaging content?

These are important questions — and it’s critical you review them regularly. At the very least, you need a social media policy that sets some ground rules.

Annual reviews

As you know, the social media landscape changes quickly. The platform that’s hot today may be decidedly not hot tomorrow. So review your online presence at least once a year to help ensure you’re dedicating resources to the right spaces. Most nonprofits maintain a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn because that’s where likely donors tend to be. But if you’re an arts nonprofit or visually oriented, Instagram may be a better venue. And if your constituents are teenagers or young adults, you’re most likely to find them on TikTok.

In general, fresher, frequently updated accounts get more traffic and engagement. So try not to overextend your organization by posting on multiple platforms with only limited staff resources. Determine where you’ll get the most bang for your buck by surveying supporters and observing where peer nonprofits post.

Content monitoring

Social media is 24/7, and incidents can escalate quickly. So closely monitor your accounts, as well as conversations that refer to your nonprofit. A “social listening” tool that scans the web for your nonprofit’s name can be extremely helpful.

But the best defense against reputation-busting events is a formal social media policy. Your policy should set clear boundaries about the types of material that are and aren’t permissible on your nonprofit’s official accounts and those of staffers.

For example, it should prohibit employees, board members and volunteers from discussing nonpublic information about your organization on their personal accounts. With organizational accounts, limit access to passwords and regularly check posts and comments. Content from your feeds can easily go viral and create controversy. Make sure your staff knows when to engage with visitors, particularly difficult ones, and maintains a zero-tolerance policy for offensive comments.

Crisis plan

Mistakes, or even intentionally damaging posts, can occur despite comprehensive policies. Create a formal response plan so you’ll be able to weather such events. The plan should assign responsibilities and include contact information for multiple spokespersons, such as your executive director and board president. Identify specific triggers and a menu of potential responses, such as issuing a press release or bringing in a crisis management expert. Be sure to include IP staffers or consultants on your list.

Hopefully, a crisis won’t occur. But if it does, you’ll want to sit down and review your plan’s effectiveness after the situation has been resolved.

Select and protect

These days, no nonprofit can afford to ignore social media. Just make sure you’re applying your time and effort to the right platforms and protecting your accounts from those who would harm your organization.

© 2024


Encouraging charitable donors to include you in their estate plans | quickbooks consultant in washington dc | Weyrich, Cronin, & Sorra

Encouraging charitable donors to include you in their estate plans

Even if current donations are your not-for-profit’s bread and butter, you can’t afford to neglect planned, legacy or deferred gifts. These gifts, generally made through wills and living trusts, often are much larger. Your employees don’t need to be directly involved when donors establish gifts through their estate plans. But your development staff should know how the process works and how to encourage such contributions.

How the process works

In addition to will and trust gifts, planned donations can be made with beneficiary designations on retirement accounts, such as 401(k) plans and IRAs, and life insurance policies. However, charitable annuities and other more complex estate planning instruments, such as charitable remainder trusts, may come into play.

Donors need to indicate in a legally binding document (such as a will) your nonprofit’s full name and address. Although your organization’s tax ID number is helpful, it isn’t required. The legal document also must describe the donation and state any restrictions on its use by your nonprofit.

Making your case

You can’t just be reactive and accept windfalls that come your way. You need to proactively pursue planned gifts. For example, feature information on planned giving in prominent locations on your website, in your newsletter and in brochures and other promotional materials. Don’t assume that only older, long-time donors might be interested. Many people may not even consider making a planned gift unless you educate them about the option.

Recognize that sometimes even wealthy individuals fail to make proper estate plans. They may promise to leave something to your organization, but if they don’t put it in writing, state intestacy laws can lead to unintended results. Use subtle and sensitive messages to get the point across.

You might also emphasize the tax benefits of acting quickly. Unless Congress acts, the current generous estate tax exemption, $13.61 million in 2024, is scheduled to revert to an inflation-adjusted $5 million in 2026. Supporters whose estates wouldn’t be subject to estate taxes now but could be after 2025 may want to incorporate a planned gift into their estate plans before then.

It’s also helpful to show how you can put planned gifts to work. Many donors expect planned gifts to go toward special projects or programs rather than day-to-day expenses. You can help provide ideas for potential special uses, but you may want to make the case for contributing to your general operating fund.

Gaining an edge

Donors are less likely to leave gifts to young or financially insecure organizations. So if your nonprofit already has a long track record and strong reputation, you probably have an edge. However, it’s never too soon to start building relationships with financial and legal advisors in your community who might help individuals prepare estate plans. Also, try to secure planned gifts from such committed stakeholders as board members. Contact us with questions.

© 2024


6 ways nonprofit retirement plans are changing | quickbooks consultant in alexandria va | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

6 ways nonprofit retirement plans are changing

Some provisions of 2022’s SECURE Act 2.0 (a follow-up to the SECURE Act of 2019) have been in force for over a year — including several that affect 403(b) retirement plans. If your not-for-profit offers staffers a 403(b) plan, you likely made some minor changes in 2023 and may have made more significant ones on January 1, 2024. A few additional provisions are scheduled to become effective in 2025 and 2026. To help ensure you’re adhering to the applicable rules and implementing enhancements where they make sense, review these significant SECURE Act 2.0 provisions.

Effective January 1, 2024

1. Pension-linked emergency savings accounts (PLESAs). Nonprofit employers may allow workers to contribute to a PLESA linked to their 403(b) plans. Contributions to these accounts are made on an after-tax basis, and the account balance attributable to employee contributions can’t exceed $2,500 (which will be indexed for inflation). Workers generally may make withdrawals from a PLESA much more easily than they can obtain a 403(b) plan hardship distribution or loan.

2. Student loan match. Employers can elect to make matching contributions to employees’ 403(b) accounts based on their student loan payments. This provision is intended to help build workers’ retirement savings even if their student loan payment obligations are preventing them from contributing.

Effective January 1, 2025

3. Automatic enrollment. For new plans adopted after 2024, nonprofits must provide automatic enrollment. Employees can then choose to opt out if they don’t want to participate. One exception: Organizations with 10 or fewer employees or that have been in operation for less than three years aren’t required to meet this mandate.

4. Catch-up contributions for some older employees. Generally, taxpayers age 50 or older are allowed to make additional “catch-up” contributions to their 403(b) plans. SECURE 2.0 will allow employees age 60 to 63 to make even larger catch-up contributions of $10,000 (indexed for inflation) or 150% of the regular catch-up limit, whichever is greater.

5. Part-time worker participation. Under the first SECURE Act, part-time workers are eligible to participate in their employers’ 403(b) plan if they have 500 hours of service each year for three consecutive years. Starting in 2025, the eligibility requirement will fall from three years to two years.

Effective January 1, 2026

6. Catch-up contributions for higher-paid employees. Changes to 403(b) catch-up contribution rules originally were scheduled to go into effect in 2024. But, in 2023, the IRS announced a two-year transition to help nonprofits comply with the new rules. Beginning in 2026, employees who earned more than $145,000 in the prior year (indexed for inflation) will be allowed to make catch-up contributions only to a Roth 403(b) account.

Another Roth 403(b)-related provision went into effect in 2022: Employees can elect that their employer makes matching contributions to their Roth 403(b) — if the nonprofit offers one. (Previously, matching contributions could be made only to an employee’s traditional account, even if the employee contributed to a Roth account.)

What stays the same (for now)

As always, traditional 403(b) plan contributions grow tax-deferred in participants’ accounts and withdrawals are taxed — generally when participants are retired and in a lower income tax bracket. Employee contributions are deducted from paychecks pre-tax.

The 403(b) contribution limit for 2024 is $23,000, and participants age 50 or older can make catch-up contributions of an additional $7,500. Also, participants who have been employed by your nonprofit for more than 15 years may be eligible to contribute an extra $3,000 a year, if you’ve included this provision in your plan. Contact us if you have questions about 403(b) limits or any changes under the SECURE Act 2.0.

© 2024


Why uncertainty calls for a more flexible budget | accounting firm in harford county md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Why uncertainty calls for a more flexible budget

Economic, social and political events in 2024 have the potential to negatively influence your not-for-profit’s budget. So if you generally prepare static budgets well in advance of each fiscal year, you may want to switch things up. Rolling budgets can provide your organization with greater flexibility. And in the event of major changes, you may even want to consider reforecasting your current budget.

Rolling budgets

Rather than leaving a budget in place for the year, organizations with rolling budgets set periodic dates to adjust the numbers. For example, you might budget four quarters ahead. At the end of each quarter, you would update the budgets for the next three quarters and add a new fourth quarter.

The rolling approach anticipates changes and encourages your organization’s leaders to take a forward-looking perspective. It works well for nonprofits dealing with shifting ground and evolving strategies. Plus, it provides more useful information for decision making than a backward-looking static budget.


Some nonprofits may require an even more dramatic budget fix. Reforecasting your entire budget could boost your nonprofit’s odds of survival in tough times. This option generally makes sense if you’ve undergone a major change that has implications for overall operations, such as securing or losing a large grant. Reforecasting also typically makes sense if it becomes clear your existing budget is materially inaccurate.

This process begins by identifying costs and revenues that are variable (for example, supplies and program revenue) and the effect that a trigger event might have on them. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the fixed expenses (such as payroll or rent) of many organizations changed dramatically. You should reforecast any items that are likely to differ substantially from your original estimates.

You may also find it worthwhile to apply budget modeling with different scenarios. For instance, what would happen if a major revenue source were cut by half? Or if it disappeared altogether? Would you seek a loan, cancel a capital project or trim staff? The final reforecasted budget is a fully revised document, not simply a handful of line-item adjustments.

Going forward

Even if this isn’t your nonprofit’s budget season and you already have a budget in place for the year, think about how you might change the process in the future. Contact us for budgeting help.

© 2024


3 tips for making the financial statement auditing process smoother | accountant in baltimore county md | Weyrich, Cronin and Sorra

3 tips for making the financial statement auditing process smoother

Not-for-profits aren’t required to produce audited financial statements. But audited statements are more likely to reassure big donors and grant makers about your financial stability and generally will be required if your organization applies for a bank loan. When you hire a CPA to audit your statements, the auditor is responsible for expressing an opinion on them and obtaining reasonable assurance that they’re free of material misstatements. Here are three tips for making the process as smooth as possible.

1. Understand roles

You’ll need to prepare estimates (such as an allowance for bad debts), adopt sound accounting policies, and establish, maintain and monitor internal controls. Auditors may make suggestions about these items, but it isn’t their responsibility to implement them.

Your auditor is required to evaluate whether internal controls, accounting policies and estimates are adequate to prevent or detect errors or fraud that could result in material misstatements. But remember, all decision making is strictly your nonprofit’s responsibility.

2. Involve your board

Sometimes nonprofits overlook their board’s role in annual financial statement preparation. That’s a mistake. Your board should have a strategic and oversight role in the process, which is part of its overall fiduciary duty. The board also can be a good resource for certain technical matters, depending on the members’ professional backgrounds.

3. Understand statement formats

Financial statement items — such as debt ratios, program vs. administrative expense ratios and restricted vs. unrestricted resources — can help tell you how your nonprofit is doing. So when your organization’s financial team is preparing them, make sure statements are as user-friendly as possible.

One of the best ways to see the big financial picture is to compare your budget, your year-end internally generated financial statements and the financial statements generated during an annual audit. This task can be completed more easily if the format of your annual audited statements is similar to that of your internal financial statements and budgets. If audited financial statements are formatted differently than internally generated reports, you may need to develop a bridge between them, perhaps in the form of an internal memo.

When reviewing internal vs. audited statements, look for any large differences in individual accounts resulting from audit correcting adjustments. These often are an indication of an internal accounting deficiency. You’ll also be able to spot any significant discrepancies between what was budgeted for the year and the actual outcome.

First timers

If you’re engaging an auditor to prepare financial statements for the first time, don’t be anxious. Just provide your auditor with every requested document and keep the lines of communication open. Your auditor will let you know if there’s anything you should be concerned about.

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