Passing the public support test | quickbooks consulting in cecil county md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Passing the public support test

Unless 501(c)(3) organizations prove they’re publicly supported, the IRS assumes they’re private foundations. The distinction is important, because publicly supported charities enjoy higher tax-deductible donation limits and generally are exempt from excise taxes and related penalties.

The tax code recognizes several types of publicly supported organizations, but most 501(c)(3) charities fall into one of two categories. The first, Sec. 509(a)(1) organizations, primarily rely on donations from the general public, governmental units and other public charities. The second category, Sec. 509(a)(2) organizations, have significant program revenue. The IRS has established tests for each type of organization. If your nonprofit doesn’t pass the 509(a)(1) test, it may qualify under Sec. 509(a)(2).

First test

The Sec. 509(a)(1) test requires that:

  1. You have at least one third of your total support from the public, governmental agencies or other public charities, or
  2. You have at least 10% of your total support from such sources and that the “facts and circumstances” indicate you’re a publicly supported organization.

Several facts and circumstances help determine whether your organization is publicly supported — for example, whether you have actual sources of support above the 10% threshold, answer to a representative governing body and serve the general public on a continuing basis. Such tests measure public support over a five-year period, including the current and four prior tax years.

The public support percentage excludes certain types of contributions, program revenue fees from related activities, unrelated business income, investment income and “unusual grants.” Net income from unrelated activities and gross investment returns are included in total support, though unusual grants aren’t.

Second test

Under the Sec. 509(a)(2) test, your organization must receive at least one-third of its support from contributions from the public and gross receipts from activities related to its tax-exempt purpose. No more than one-third of its support may be from investment income and unrelated business taxable income. Public support is measured over a five-year period.

This test is subject to limitations. When calculating public support, you can count only the greater of $5,000 or 1% of your total exempt-purpose-related revenue from a single individual, corporation or governmental unit in the numerator. Receipts of any type or amount from disqualified persons, such as board members, aren’t considered public support either.

Be careful about misclassifying gross receipts that are subject to the limits. IRS auditors will look for payments that should be deemed gross receipts but instead are classified as, for example, contributions, gross investment income or unrelated business taxable activity.

Mission critical

It’s critical to maintain your nonprofit’s publicly supported status. Certain organizations, including universities and churches, automatically qualify as public charities. For other nonprofits, we can help determine whether you pass one of the two tests.

© 2023


A refresher on nonprofit endowment management | accounting firm in washington dc | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

A refresher on nonprofit endowment management

If your not-for-profit has an endowment, you probably know it’s a major responsibility. Endowment investments generally need to be managed by a financial expert, and your organization must adhere to certain regulations, particularly when it comes to spending. As a refresher — or primer for new employees or board members — here are the basics of endowment management.

Prudent decisions

First, it’s important to distinguish endowments from operating reserves. Endowments generally are designed to provide steady income to a nonprofit while its core investments grow untouched. That steady income can be a financial safeguard in times of crisis.

A significant portion of most nonprofit endowment assets are restricted funds. For funds that aren’t restricted, organizations generally must conform to provisions of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA). Among other things, the UPMIFA allows nonprofits to include appreciation of invested funds as part of what is “spendable” in addition to realized gains, interest and dividends.

The act also provides guidance for “prudent” decisions, suggesting that spending more than 7% of an endowment in any one year generally isn’t fiscally responsible. And the UPMIFA makes it easier for nonprofits to identify new uses for older and smaller endowments that may be dedicated to obsolete or impractical purposes.

Spending income

Your spending policy will need to define how much of your endowment fund’s income can be spent on operations each year. Usually, this is defined as a percentage (between 4% and 7%) of a rolling average of endowment investments. A rolling average helps even out the ups and downs of market returns and prevents the endowment’s contribution to any one budget year from being significantly lower than contributions to other years.

However, this approach doesn’t address whether your endowment fund will be able to maintain a similar level of funding for future operations. Also, because investment returns usually don’t correspond to the inflation rates that affect your operating budget, your spending policy should be based on more than recent returns. To factor inflation into your spending policy, you might start with a relatively conservative, inflation-free investment rate of return. Then adjust it for inflation to arrive at a spending rate you can apply on a year-by-year basis.

Today’s difficult climate

The current high inflation, market volatility and recession worries make planning for your organization’s future challenging. If you aren’t sure whether your endowment’s spending policy has kept up with economic realities or developments within your organization, contact us for help.

© 2023


Tips to help prevent accounting and tax errors | quickbooks consulting in washington dc | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Tips to help prevent accounting and tax errors

Although failing to file a Form 990 with the IRS when required to do so is probably a more serious mistake, filing it with data errors isn’t recommended. Similarly, your not-for-profit should strive to be as accurate as possible when preparing accounting and other tax documents. Carelessness can cost you support from donors and grant makers and, in extreme cases, threaten your exempt status. Here’s how to avoid financial errors.

Follow processes and procedures

First, make sure your nonprofit has formally documented its accounting processes. All aspects of managing your nonprofit’s money should be reflected in a detailed, written accounting manual. This should include how to accept and deposit donations and pay bills.

Your organization may depend on accounting software for daily functioning. But even with the assistance of technology, mistakes happen. Your staff should follow certain procedures, such as double-checking entries and reconciling bank accounts, to ensure transactions entered into accounting software are complete and accurate.

Avoid common pitfalls

Next, keep an eye on unrelated business income (UBI). IRS officials have cited “failing to consider obvious and subtle” UBI tax issues as the biggest tax mistake nonprofits make. Organizations commonly fail to report UBI — or they underreport it. Be sure to follow guidance in IRS Publication 598, Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organizations. And if you need more help, contact us.

Correctly classifying workers as employees (vs. independent contractors) is another area where nonprofits commonly make errors in judgment and practice. You’re required to withhold and pay various payroll taxes on employee earnings but don’t have the same obligation for contractors. If the IRS can successfully argue that one or more of your contractors meet the criteria for being classified as employees, both you and the contractor possibly face financial consequences.

For peace of mind

Finally, if your nonprofit doesn’t already regularly back up accounting and tax information, start doing so. Otherwise, your data may not be safe in the event of a fire, natural disaster or cyberattack. Back up data automatically using cloud-based or other offsite storage solutions.

For extra peace of mind, contact us. We can help prepare your organization’s tax filings and review financial statements for accuracy and adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

© 2023


A financial dashboard can take your nonprofit where it wants to go | quickbooks consulting in bel air md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

A financial dashboard can take your nonprofit where it wants to go

Does your board have a quick and easy way to assess your not-for-profit’s financial performance? It does if it has a dashboard with carefully chosen and up-to-date key performance indicators (KPIs). Dashboards can also be set up to provide critical information to multiple audiences regarding specific goals and fundraising campaigns. Here’s how you can get started.

Your nonprofit’s “business” drivers

To facilitate informed, timely decisions, you must first select the right KPIs. For a financial dashboard, these will depend largely on factors such as your organization’s revenue streams, key expense factors, budget and strategic goals. To include the most useful metrics, identify your nonprofit’s “business” drivers.

Additionally, determine which factors affect the reliability of your revenue streams — and which influence expense levels. Then create KPIs that monitor those factors. Think, too, about the level at which you want to track your KPIs. You could monitor them by individual program or function, or at the organizational level.

Staging financial stability

Say that a nonprofit theater company’s board is concerned about financial stability and liquidity. The theater’s primary business drivers are proper pricing and maximum attendance. Its dashboard might include such KPIs as:

  • Operating results,
  • The level of liquid unrestricted net assets,
  • Current debt ratio (total liabilities / total assets),
  • Progress toward a desired number of months’ cash on hand (cash on hand + current unrestricted investments / average monthly expenses),
  • Number of tickets sold, and
  • Average revenue per performance.

Over time, this nonprofit likely would need to adjust its KPIs as its strategies, priorities or programs change. What was “key” last year isn’t necessarily key in today’s challenging environment.

Other important metrics

Certain KPIs are popular among a variety of nonprofits, including:

Current ratio. This reflects your organization’s ability to satisfy debts coming due within the year. Divide current assets by current liabilities. A ratio of “1” or more generally means you can meet those obligations.

Projected year-end cash. Based on the current cash position plus budgeted cash flows through the end of the fiscal year, this projects liquidity and ability to satisfy upcoming commitments.

Year-to-date revenue and expense. This measures actual results against a budget and reveals whether revenues and expenses are in line with expectations or within a reasonable range.

Program efficiency ratio. The ratio assesses mission efficiency by showing how much funding goes to programs vs. administrative or other expenses. Calculate it by dividing program expenses by overall expenses.

Multiple uses

Once you successfully establish a financial dashboard, you may want to use the tool for other purposes. Some nonprofits create dashboards to monitor hiring stats, board “accountability,” risk management and social media use. Contact us for more information.

© 2022


The audit is over. Now what? | cpa in washington dc | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

The audit is over. Now what?

Whew! That’s probably your reaction when outside experts announce that their audit of your not-for-profit is complete. But even if auditors have left your premises and returned the documents they’ve reviewed, the work isn’t really over. Not only do your executive director and board need to review the audit report, but it may be necessary to address auditor concerns by making changes to your organization.

Review the draft

Once outside auditors complete their work, they typically present a draft report to an organization’s audit committee, executive director and senior financial staffers. Those individuals should take the time to review the draft before it’s presented to the board of directors.

Your audit committee and management also need to meet with the auditors before the board presentation. Often auditors will provide a management letter (also called “communication with those charged with governance”) highlighting operational areas and controls that need improvement. Your nonprofit’s team can respond to these comments, indicating ways they plan to improve operations and controls, to be included in the final letter. The audit committee also can use the meeting to ensure the audit is properly comprehensive.

Assess internal controls

The final audit report will state whether your nonprofit’s financial statements present its financial position in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The statements must be presented without any inaccuracies or “material” — meaning significant — misrepresentation.

The auditors also will identify, in a separate letter, specific concerns about material internal control issues. Adequate internal controls are critical for preventing, catching and remedying misstatements that could compromise the integrity of financial statements. If the auditors have found your internal controls to be weak, promptly shore them up.

Gather feedback

One important audit committee task is to obtain your executive director’s impression of the auditors and audit process. Were the auditors efficient, or did they perform or require redundant work? Did they demonstrate the requisite expertise, skills and understanding? Were they disruptive to operations? Consider this input when deciding whether to retain the same firm for the next audit.

The committee also might want to seek feedback from employees who worked most closely with the auditors. In addition to feedback on the auditors, they may have suggestions on how to streamline the process for the next audit.

Fiscal responsibility

Your donors, grantmakers and other supporters expect your organization to do everything in its power to ensure funds are used appropriately and responsibly. If you fail to act on issues identified in an audit, it could lead to asset misappropriation and seriously damage your nonprofit’s reputation and viability. Contact us if you have questions, require an audit or need help improving internal controls.

© 2022


Why your nonprofit might want to compensate board members | tax preparation in alexandria va | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Why your nonprofit might want to compensate board members

Because most not-for-profit board members serve voluntarily, you may not have known compensating them was an option. But depending on the type of organization, the expertise and experience expected of board members, and the required time commitment, it may make sense to compensate these hardworking individuals.

Pros and cons

There are advantages and drawbacks to compensating board members. Your organization might, for example, find it worthwhile to offer compensation to attract individuals who are prominent or bring highly specialized expertise — or are expected to invest significant time and effort. Also, if you’re trying to build a more diverse board, it may be easier to recruit new members if you offer a financial incentive.

Some organizations, such as nonprofit hospitals, may have business models that compete with those of for-profit companies. In such cases, board compensation often is appropriate. In general, providing compensation can improve board member performance and promote professionalism. And it may incentivize meeting attendance and accountability.

But there are drawbacks to paying board members. First, it can look bad. Donors expect their funds to go to program services, and board compensation represents resources diverted from your organization’s mission. Further, there are legal and IRS implications. For example, in some states volunteer board members are protected from legal liability, while compensated members may not be.

Avoiding taxes and penalties

If you decide to compensate board members, make sure your arrangement complies with the Internal Revenue Code’s private inurement and excess benefit regulations, as well as IRS rules about “reasonable compensation.” Failure to do so can result in excise taxes, penalties and even the loss of your tax-exempt status.

Independent directors, an independent governance or compensation committee, or an independent consultant should set the amount of (or formula for) compensation. Whoever sets the amount should be guided by a written compensation policy and make the amount comparable to that paid by similar nonprofits.

Your compensation policy should cover:

  • How compensating board members benefits your organization,
  • Which members are eligible, and
  • How compensation is structured (for instance, flat or per-meeting fee).

It should also spell out expectations for board members in exchange for compensation, such as qualifications and meeting attendance.

Document everything

Whether or not your organization ultimately decides to compensate board members, be sure to document all compensation discussions, including any votes your board takes. If you’re still unsure, contact us. We can help walk you through the decision, including how to determine appropriate amounts.

© 2022


Lost your tax-exempt status? Here’s how to regain it | cpa in alexandria va | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Lost your tax-exempt status? Here’s how to regain it

So you forgot to file your not-for-profit’s Form 990, 990-EZ or 990-N with the IRS. It can happen — particularly with newer organizations that are still trying to get a handle on all the financial and regulatory requirements of running a nonprofit. However, if you forget to file three years in a row, you could face an automatic revocation of your tax-exempt status. This is serious because it means your donors can’t deduct their contributions. But it doesn’t have to be final.

Essential forms and dates

Assuming you lost your exempt status for failing to file, you can regain it with another filing. Talk to your tax advisor about submitting either Form 1023, “Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code” or Form 1024, “Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a) or Section 521 of the Internal Revenue Code,” based on your type of nonprofit.

Smaller organizations that were eligible to file either Form 990-EZ or 990-N for each of the three consecutive years and that hadn’t previously had their tax-exempt status automatically revoked, can apply to have their status retroactively reinstated effective from the revocation date. To apply for this retroactive reinstatement, file the applicable form within 15 months or the later of 1) the date of the IRS revocation letter, or 2) the date the IRS posted your organization’s name on its website.

If you aren’t eligible for retroactive reinstatement, your organization’s activities between the revocation date and the reinstatement date will be considered taxable. This includes donors’ contributions.

Required documentation

When you file for recognition of exemption, attach a detailed statement that provides reasonable cause for failing to file required returns in each of the three consecutive years. You should state the facts that led to each failure and the continual failure, discovery of the failures and steps taken to avoid or mitigate them.

You’ll need to attach a statement that describes safeguards put in place and steps taken to avoid future failures as well as evidence to support all material aspects of those two statements. In addition, include properly completed and executed tax returns for all taxable years during and after the three-year period your organization failed to file.

Also submit an original declaration dated and signed by an authorized person in your organization such as an officer or director. (See IRS Notice 2011-44 for the required wording.)

All’s well

Assuming you file correctly and submit all required paperwork that shows your organization qualifies as a nonprofit, it’s likely to regain its tax-exempt status. At that point, the IRS will issue a new determination letter and update its records that confirm your eligibility to receive tax-deductible contributions. Generally, the effective date of reinstatement is the date your exemption application was submitted.

If you’re having trouble keeping up with IRS filings or have questions about nonprofit regulations, contact us for help.

© 2022


What revenue numbers can reveal about your nonprofit’s financial health | accounting firm in baltimore county md | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

What revenue numbers can reveal about your nonprofit’s financial health

When professional auditors review a not-for-profit’s books, they usually spend significant time on revenue. Inadequate revenue — or revenue trending in the wrong direction — can provide an early warning of future trouble. But you don’t have to wait for your next audit to assess revenue. You can employ the same techniques an auditor uses to monitor your organization’s financial health.

Contributions and grants

Start by comparing the donation dollars raised in past periods to pinpoint trends. For example, have individual contributions been increasing over the past five years? What campaigns have you implemented during that period? You might go beyond the totals and determine if the number of major donors has grown.

Also estimate what portion of contributions is restricted. If a large percentage of donations are tied up in restricted funds, you might want to re-evaluate your gift acceptance policy or fundraising materials.

Pay attention to grant trends, too. Grants can vary dramatically in size and purpose — from covering operational costs, to launching a program, to funding client services. Did one funder supply 50% of total revenue in 2019, 75% in 2020, and 80% last year? A growing reliance on a single funding source is a red flag to auditors and it should be to you, too. In this case, if funding stopped, your organization might be forced to close its doors.

Fees and dues

Fees collected from clients, joint venture partners or other third parties can be similar to fees that for-profit organizations collect. They’re generally considered exchange transactions because the client receives a product or service of value in exchange for payment. Sometimes fees are charged on a sliding scale based on income or ability to pay. In other cases, fees are subject to legal limitations set by government agencies. You’ll need to assess whether these services are paying for themselves.

Also, if your nonprofit is a membership organization and charges dues, determine whether membership has grown or declined in recent years. How does this compare with your peers? Do you suspect that dues income will decline? You might consider dropping dues altogether and restructuring. If so, examine other income sources for growth potential.

Handling anomalous data

As you make year-by-year comparisons, keep in mind that numbers from 2020 and 2021 — or the height of the COVID-19 pandemic — may be less useful or reliable. If, for example, you closed your doors and discontinued fundraising for several months in 2020, figures from 2019 and before may make better comparisons with current numbers. For help interpreting such data and for answers to your revenue questions, contact us.

© 2022


Promoting your nonprofit with your annual report | tax accountants in cecil county | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Promoting your nonprofit with your annual report

Do you think about your not-for-profit’s annual report as a yearly obligation or even an unpleasant chore? If so, your annual report likely isn’t much fun to read — and you’re missing a chance to attract and engage critical audiences. Instead, embrace this opportunity to communicate the good your organization does and promote your mission and programs. Here’s how to write an annual report that will keep readers’ attention.

Tackle first things first

Most nonprofit annual reports consist of several standard sections, starting with a Chair of the Board’s letter. This executive summary needs to provide an overview of your nonprofit’s activities, accomplishments and anything else worth highlighting. It should be direct and to the point, but also reflect the chair’s personality.

Financial information is another essential section. This generally is subdivided into three sections:

  1. Independent auditor’s report. This CPA report states whether your nonprofit’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
  2. Financial statements. Data should include a Statement of Financial Position (assets, liabilities and net asset categories as of the last day of the fiscal year), Statement of Activities (revenues earned and expenses incurred during the year) and Statement of Cash Flows (changes, sources and uses of cash for the year).
  3. Footnotes. These expand on financial statement items regarding subjects such as leasing arrangements and debt.

You can make your financial statements easier to understand by creating an abbreviated version with a synopsis that quickly communicates your overall financial situation. Whenever possible, use simple graphs, diagrams and other visual aids to highlight specific points.

Describe your work with words and images

A “Description” is the other major section in a typical nonprofit annual report. This is where you can — and should — get creative. Explain your organization’s mission, goals and strategies for reaching those goals. Then, describe who benefits from your organization’s services and how your services contribute to the community.

To do justice to this work, include client testimonials where those you’ve helped tell the story in a personal way. Or create a timeline that enables readers to see the progress you’ve made toward a long-term goal such as establishing an endowment or constructing a new facility. Your annual report should be as visually pleasing as it is interesting to read. Include engaging photos, arresting graphics and creative layouts.

Reward your audience for reading

The audience for your annual report may be larger than you think. Ensure it offers something to grab the attention of donors and other supporters, clients, community members, charity watchdog groups and the media. Otherwise, you could be wasting an important opportunity.

© 2022


Reviewing — and possibly revising — your nonprofit’s spending policy | tax accountant in alexandria va | Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Reviewing — and possibly revising — your nonprofit’s spending policy

A spending policy is the formula used to determine how much of the value of investments a nonprofit organization will tap each year for such expenses as operating costs and capital projects. Although it’s usually a good idea to stick with an established spending policy, circumstances may warrant changes.

There’s no one-size-fits-all optimal spending policy. But five general types have emerged — each with pros and cons:

1. Fixed rate. Also known as the simple spending rule, this approach specifies a spending rate you apply annually to the beginning-period market value of your nonprofit’s investment portfolio. It’s simple to understand and apply but can result in big swings in spending from one year to the next based on the investment portfolio’s performance. In a multi-year period of strong investment performance, the fixed-rate approach can lead to the highest spending increases compared with alternative techniques. This may undermine the portfolio’s growth. It also could be problematic in years when the beginning-period portfolio value was likely at a high point but may have dropped significantly as the year progressed.

2. Rolling average. Here, your organization would apply a spending rate to a moving market value average of its investment portfolio, usually determined over a three-year period. A rolling average helps ensure more consistency in spending from year to year. But it’s vulnerable to market volatility and could dictate more spending than would be wise in a year when the portfolio value has dropped substantially.

3. Inflation-based. With this method, you set an initial dollar amount for spending, and then adjust it annually for inflation. This method can simplify budgeting, stabilize spending and help grow your investment portfolio because the spending amounts tend to be smaller. But it doesn’t take into account your portfolio’s market value. And it can facilitate more spending in challenging times when compared with the rolling average method. This also could be problematic in years when there’s high inflation and your portfolio may have experienced a significant drop in value as higher expenses will use a larger percentage of your portfolio.

4. Geometric spending. The formula for geometric spending is complicated, but it reflects movement in both inflation and the market. Although it can be difficult to calculate, a geometric spending rule reduces volatility between years and can lessen the impact of market declines on spending. Nonprofits that have chosen this type of spending policy might find that they’re in a better position to weather market drops and high inflation.

5. Hybrid. This approach typically considers both inflation and market value. Using it, a large chunk of your yearly spending is based on an inflation adjustment to the previous year’s spending. The remainder is based on, for example, the application of a fixed rate to your portfolio’s market value or a percentage of the rolling-average rule amount. Hybrid spending policies tend to result in stable spending.

If you don’t know which approach makes the best sense for your nonprofit or whether you should switch to a different policy, contact us. We can review such factors as your financial assumptions, available resources and long-term goals to help ensure you’ve arrived at a spending policy that works in good times and bad.

© 2022