Non-Profits Insights

Accounting & Assurance

Why nonprofits might want to revisit the Donor Bill of Rights

The Donor Bill of Rights was designed about 25 years ago as a blueprint of best practices for not-for-profits. Some critics have since asserted…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Business deductions for meal, vehicle and travel expenses: Document, document, document

Meal, vehicle and travel expenses are common deductions for businesses. But if you don’t properly document these expenses, you could find your…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

21st century estate planning accounts for digital assets

Even though you can’t physically touch digital assets, they’re just as important to include in your estate plan as your material assets.…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

3 keys to a successful accounting system upgrade

Technology is tricky. Much of today’s software is engineered so well that it will perform adequately for years. But new and better features…

Accounting & Assurance

When it comes to revenue, nonprofits need to think like auditors

Auditors examining a not-for-profit’s financial statements spend considerable time on the revenue figures. They look at the accounting methods…

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Supreme Court opens door to taxation of online sales

In a much-anticipated ruling that confounded the expectations of many court watchers, the U.S. Supreme Court has given state and local governments…

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