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Social Security tax update: How high can it go? - Tax preparation in Elkton MD - Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Social Security tax update: How high can it go?

Employees, self-employed individuals and employers all pay Social Security tax, and the amounts can get bigger every year. And yet, many people…
House rich but cash poor? Consider a reverse mortgage strategy - Tax preparation in Cecil County MD - Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

House rich but cash poor? Consider a reverse mortgage strategy

Are you an older taxpayer who owns a house that has appreciated greatly? At the same time, you may need income. Thankfully, there could be a…
Hiring your child to work at your business this summer - Quickbooks consultant in Washington DC - Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Hiring your child to work at your business this summer

With school out, you might be hiring your child to work at your company. In addition to giving your son or daughter some business knowledge,…
When do valuable gifts to charity require an appraisal? - estate planning cpa in alexandria va - weyrich, cronin and sorra

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

When do valuable gifts to charity require an appraisal?

If you donate valuable items to charity and you want to deduct them on your tax return, you may be required to get an appraisal. The IRS requires…
Should you convert your business from a C to an S corporation - accounting firm in harford county md - weyrich, cronin and sorra

Management Advisory Services & Business Consulting

Should you convert your business from a C to an S corporation?

Choosing the right business entity has many implications, including the amount of your tax bill. The most common business structures are sole…
Pay attention to the tax rules if you turn a hobby into a business - tax preparation in baltimore county md - weyrich, cronin and sorra

Tax Prep, Planning & Strategy

Pay attention to the tax rules if you turn a hobby into a business

Many people dream of turning a hobby into a regular business. Perhaps you enjoy boating and would like to open a charter fishing business. Or…

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